"One of the weakest Remain campaign arguments in 2016 was that if we voted to leave the EU, the economy would instantly collapse."

That was never from the Remain Campaign, but a crude, failed attempt at campaigning by George Osborne, the Chancellor who said public spending crowded out private Investment, when it actually attracts it. Clegg later said that Osborne's intervention would have been instantly disbelieved and weakened the Remain case greatly. This has become the go to example by the Brexits, of the Remain Campaign getting predictions wrong, despite that it never came from them.

"For the moment, leaving the flow of materials from the EU into the UK relatively unchecked is understandable and probably more low risk than putting them in place."

In having no systematic check on imports from the EU, the UK has generated the obvious and logical response from the EU's dodgy traders and criminals. The trade in counterfeit goods has increased enormously as seen by one huge operation in fake branded goods uncovered by detective work and not from border checks. Contaminated and unsafe products will also be coming here in greater quantities, with the UK outside of Single Market standards. Illegal products and counterfeit goods are now coming with no efforts made to conceal them as if they were legal, as not even cursory checks are now expected by criminals.

Since the trade disadvantages the UK against EU businesses in having their goods sailing rapidly through to the UK unchecked, but only one way,, this one sided flow gives the UK little to offer to drop to other countries in return for a trade deal.

The UK Brexit Government has chosen the worst of all worlds in choosing to disadvantage UK business, making International trade deals favour the opposite, while increasing safety risks and fake goods. Yet this policy is maintained because of the UK's shameful lack of border staff, IT and infrastructure and it probably breaks the WTO legal requirements on not favouring one group of countries; ironically the EU; over others.

The Leave Campaign had it's witless dupes holding up signs around Westminster, "WTO - Way to go" and did they really mean to advantage EU country's trade? The whole thing is insane.

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This illustrates that Brexit is no longer about the economy or the national interest or even sovereignty - but all about news management and propaganda.

Curious this morning that there is almost a total Conservative news black-out of the re-joining of the crucial Horizon scheme.

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