If Sunak's weakness leaves the Tories wandering aimlessly in the wilderness for a decade, a spent political force unable to offer a meaningful challenge whilst they bitterly fight, unable to decide what it should be due to various dis-aligned factions, then I think he's just the person I wish was leading them.

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If Johnson or Truss had continued to lead them, an election loss would have been claimed on ‘traitors within’- the moderate wing.

One other thing- Johnson or Truss would have accelerated the castration of the electoral commission and rigging as much as possible the way we vote. The so called ‘moderate wing’ have also voted for these measures. There’s very little that is moderate about the modern Conservative Party. They need to be evicted from office as quickly as possible. True moderates would do their patriotic duty and pull the plug on this dangerous government

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Nick is onto something here, but the Tory moderates have already lost the Tory internal war and are just marking time before they are replaced or leave in disgust. Probably a few will soldier on out of desperation and may be accepted so long as they make up numbers and vote the right way. They may sometimes be closer in their views to the right of the LibDems, but they have known where they get their bread buttered.

De Pfeffel Bunter made Tory MP's sign a fascist style loyalty agreement to him and to brexit. The 20 moderates who couldn't stomach that (and had alternative employment), left and left the Tory Party further concentrated to the right, pushed and threatened by ReformUK, the hammer to the right playbook successfully run in Canada ( Book : Revolt on the Right).

Meanwhile, while Reform take votes from the hard right and allow mainly Labour gains, such as the Red Wall, LibDems take core Tory seats from the centre in the south. I can't wait for the General Election and what will be left are the biggest majority seat Tory MP's with an even higher proportion of right wing members.

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Brexit has destroyed the Conservative Party and rightly so. That genie is now out of the bottle and cannot be put back in. And that genie now comes in the form of Reform and the significant part of the electorate they represent.

The Tories either tack towards Reform post GE thus trying to negate the need for Reform to exist. Or they tack centre right and allow Reform to take the RW flank of their party. Either way they lose. So they will probably continue to ‘fudge’ between the two.

Who leads them post GE? Probably Badenoch as the best fudge candidate. But she won’t last three years. The Conservative Party pre Brexit are no more.

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Silver linings, you say?

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If Johnson or Truss had lasted longer ,and failed, is it possible they'd have resorted to whacko QAnon conspiracy stuff to explain it? They might end up there anyway, but for the moment at least ,their arguments v Sunak are more in less in the land of the living.

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