Great piece nick. Just shows the Brexiters like JRM have lost the argument, know they have lost it and are in a desperate rear-guard action about their 'legacy' as they will all soon be history.

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So sorry for your experience Nick, but well done for even making the attempt. It's about time the charlatans who peddled the empty illusion of Brexit were consigned to the fire-pits of history.

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I love the description of Mogg as a haunted pencil and absolutely no surprise that he couldn't allow you to be heard on GB news , since every single Brexit advocate has now been thoroughly discredited by reality .

The vacuousness of their reasoning before, during and after Brexit shows them now to be serial liars incapable of any shame and worse , hopeless judges of economic reality.

You credited the Brexit argument with a tolerance more than reasonable but i assume that the "Mogging" you experienced will alter that.

From Farage through Johnson , Gove , Stuart , Hannan, Lawson , Mogg , Corbyn , the National Front , English Defence League, Andrew Neil and every UK TV presenter who swallowed and regurgitated the pack of lies which Farage concocted , Brexit will now never be more than the tragic delusion of a return to a past where reality wouldn't disturb the fantasies and false interpretations of history exhibited by all its supporters .

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When something uninteresting comes up on BBC News 24, I occasionally flick over to GB News briefly out of horrific fascination as to what they are up to. They do sometimes have people on with obviously very different views to their own as balance. I believe this is requirement of their broadcasting Licence, which is for predominately news and not for right wing opinion or propaganda. They are skating an awkward path between the two and might not survive regulation, although under the Tories, regulation is at best light and rarely has any bite. Witness the Water Companies whose Licences require sewage releases only in exceptional circumstances after heavy rain, but who churn the stuff into English & Welsh rivers morning, noon and night, with few fines, while abstracting water from those same waterways. The EEC stopped most of this under Thatcher, using big fines, but now we have left the EU, pollution is back, bigger than ever.

GB News appear to be playing a numbers game of balance, by putting people representing a range of opinions on their channel, but their usual technique is to give them a few seconds then to talk over them and then shift the discussion to a different contributor, change the subject or go to the ads. Anyone believing they will get a fair go to air their views on GB New outside of right wing populism will be disappointed. However, Nick appears to have had an especially stark version of this playbook and has shaken the vicious but mild mannered stick insect that is the Mogg. Remember that he has voted for every single measure to make poor people poorer and make wealthy people richer.

Well done Nick, for rattling the MP for the 19th Century and making him realise that he has nothing left in his leaking bag of brexit lies. Are there any links to see it?

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They keep not so much confirming your expectations as exceeding them. Just when you think the brexit argument couldn't look more shallow, up pops one of them to prove you wrong.

It's hard to remember now that I once thought there was a sincerely held , intellectually coherent leave argument. It was one that I didn't agree with, but I took some of their premises at face value. It was only 2018 that I realised there was nothing at all to them - not even a flawed but genuine belief system .

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Ignore the politico-military guff about Ukraine. Stick to the incontrovertible anti-Brexit argument.

The UK economy was for decades an integral part of the EU Single Market, as California is to the US economy.

They insisted we would be better off outside it. We will keep all the benefits, they said, and our economy will grow more rapidly. Instead, we got a non-tariff trade barrier between us and Europe. Imagine visas, customs & regulations between California and the other 49 states!

“It’s the economy, stupid!”

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Do you have a link to the show?

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Yes, well done for trying. I don't suppose that you can post the interview up on t'internet?

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Thanks for that. Mogg spinning lies and talking over Nick.

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Well tried, but Rees-Mogg's response was entirely predictable. However, as I'm sure you're aware, it was also in contravention of the Ofcom Code, which states that interviewees “must not be included in a way that they are merely dismissed by the presenter and used as a further opportunity to put forward the presenter’s own views”. You could complain to Ofcom, but given their likely response it's probably not worth bothering.

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JRM is a member of the class that owns and rules England. England is their sandbox. Of course he wanted BREXIT, his sandbox was in danger of being taken over by the professional representatives, bureaucrats, and administrators of the EU.

The man is completely delusional: The voters of Britain can hold their representatives accountable!

How FGS. Westminster has consistently acted against the interests of the British people, and not just recently.

Just to take the post WW2 period: Who flooded England with the dregs of the 3rd world? Who colluded with France and Israel to attack Egypt, and then found themselves in the wonderful situation of almost being at war with the US and the USSR simultaneously? Who sold off the property of the British people, at fire sale prices, to the looters and pillagers of capitalism? Who has just concluded a security agreement with what is probably the world's most corrupt country, Ukraine, without even a mention in Parliament? Who is itching to get involved in a regional ME war alongside the US, again without any consultation or thought whatsoever, just to burnish their ridiculous "World Power" credentials?

The list of British political failures goes on and on. About the only sensible decision made post-war was Harold MacMillan's decision to join the EEC. And any thought that Keir Starmer and his bunch of affirmative action morons is going to be any better is deluding themselves.

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Hi Nick, your ongoing comment is that there are no substantive arguments left for Brexit. But you forget a somewhat hidden but important argument from the Brexiters most likely including the guy you mentions in your blog. Without Brexit most of them would not have the position and remuneration they enjoy now. OK that will not benefit the people they are misleading into keeping them in power, but that's not their point. They profit and as some of your other commenters show doing away with; or not enforcing some regulations allow more powerful people to get away with inappropriate cost cutting to increase their own profit. Viva Brexit, long live the money.!

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every time Rees Moogs interviews a capable remainer ends in a massacre with him asking the referee to whistle end of game

they must pay him very well

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I'm almost tempted to go and have a look at GB news. Is it available to stream?

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