Imagine this is 1979. Two lads, Jack and Gary, are performing stunts on their Raleigh Choppers. Gary attempts to emulate his idol, Eval Kaneival, in jumping over a very high wall on his bike. Jack looks doubtful, shakes his head, and tells Gary he'll break every bone in his body. Gary proceeds anyway but comes off his bike suffering a broken leg, a broken wrist and a cracked rib. From his hospital bed, Gary says to Jack, "Hah, I win because you said I'd break every bone in my body. I've broken less than half a dozen!"

And this is the Brexit win philosophy. Deliver zero benefits, suffer the harm, but claim a victory because it's not quite as bad as was suggested. Even though as a brexiter you were claiming the polar opposite, i.e. no downsides whatsoever. And immediately after leaving the EU mind you, not in 10, 20, 30 or 50 years time.

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Brexit was a huge success after all. Not for the common Brexiter who suffers and pays more than before. But for the "haves" who can now enjoy more freely what they have and get even more of it. All thanks to Brexit

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