Sep 9Liked by Nick Tyrone

I'll certainly stick around for a while. It's an interesting take, a gap in commentaries.

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Sep 9Liked by Nick Tyrone

I intend to stick around as I appreciate the quality of your writing and it's quirky insights. Broadening it beyond Brexit can only be a good thing. Polly (Policy ) Mackenzie recently stated that she was married to you.

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Thank you very much, I aim to make it worth your time. Yes, Polly and I have been married for almost 14 years (anniversary in a few weeks).

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Congratulations on your forthcoming anniversary Nick. Polly is a lovely person and very smart ( but don't tell her).

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Sep 9·edited Sep 9Liked by Nick Tyrone

Centrism to me is a vague and undefined term which is consequently meaningless. Often, as you have written above, a person describes themselves as such in relation to what they are not, which is unhelpful. For example, being neither a toad nor a frog does not make me a prince- and by saying that I have written some words which have told you nothing.

So what do you stand for, positively?

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Very good question - I will be laying that out in detail in the very next post.

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Thanks Nick to pick up your pen again and keep informing us of whatever comes to your mind.

I will certainly follow your writing as much as I can.

I hope you don't mind that I have some comments and also that it took me so long to react.

Stop dreaming about rejoining the EU You need two to tango as you very well know, Leaving your partner in such an abrupt and emotional way may not instill much appeal to rejoin an unreliable relationship.

I'm already happy that the UK has escaped the extremely bitter divide that our American Nephews encounter.

Sorry but your definition of neo liberalism as trying to make life better for the individual in society sounds more socialist than liberal to me. I'm also afraid that I have to join Christof Strasse in his comment about centrism being no fish, nor fowl but just a label that doesn't mean much.

Trying to make politics "sane" seems to me a sort of Sissypus endeavour since it entails making politicions sane. The greeks already knew that making a demagogue talking decent was unimaginable. (Diogenes of Synope adapted barking like a dog as an honest animal to show his disdain of those)


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I also intend to stick around. Your posts keep reappearing in the feed and then sometimes an earlier one comes back again. Not sure what is happening. Just FYI.

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Certainly applaud the basic idea. I do think that centrist and even the word politics needs to be pushed in to the background in favour of words like honest, sensible, pragmatic, reasonable, practical, and even down to earth. Good luck

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Hi Nick, I will definitely be sticking around because of how well you write and what you have to say. I'm always happy to see your pieces in my inbox and I read them all to the end!

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I gave this new venture a try because of the qualities of your insight and writing in its predecessor. So far, so good.

Though not being of the centre right, as a pluralist I agree with you that the recuperation of the centre right (e.g.the Grieves and Stewarts) is essential if England and Wales are to be persuaded to support closer relations with the EU.

I do ask you to think again about “neoliberal”. In the early 20th century the thinking of the New Liberals made the political weather for nearly two decades and, indeed, the Beveridge Report was its apogee. Why not reclaim them?

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Good to have you back, Nick. I think it may have been you who, in an earlier TWIB post, defined the centre as the place where people seek practical, workable solutions to fix real problems; and the extremes to either side as places where populists seek only to exploit people’s grievances. That made a lot of sense to me. Keep on making sense!

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Good to have you back writing.

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